
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Cross-loading. What is it, why do we care, how do we do it?
Recently I published an article regarding cross-loading for the American Partisan along with a thought exercise over on the Northwoods Medical's website. Today we break that down and discuss key points as we go.
Full article at:

Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
I tried to do a shorter one for you guys. Covering what reference guides I have, what they do for me and what I think the most important ones are for the guerrilla medics. Hope you guys get something out of it.

Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
We dive into some interesting information regarding previously held truths in tactical combat medicine and how it's changing with peer on peer conflict. Our fight is going to look more similar to what we're seeing in Europe with long evacuation times and limited supplies. Learning from the bloody lessons of others is key to not making the same mistakes ourselves.

Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Intro and answering questions: 0:00-33:54
Milk and I dive into getting the new guys up to speed: 33:55-end
We're back after a bit of a summer hiatus. It's a long one, so break it up however you need, but this is my way of getting as much in-depth long form content to you guys as a thank you for supporting the show. To make up for the lack of content over the summer I did a deep dive on a topic that I've encountered a lot: getting guys that are just getting into this kind of life squared away. They show up with the right attitude, the right mindset, but don't know where to start when it comes to getting their gear squared away. I answer a few questions from IG (If you're not following we've got an IG and Youtube page @theguerrillamedic), and then bring on Milk to address a wide range of topics on how to get going from square one. Where you can cut corners and pick up cheaper gear, where to save and spend. Grab a cold beverage or two and I hope you get something out of this.

Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Get Your House In Order. We talk about the painfully obvious hard times on the horizon, getting ahead of the "Oh Shit" cycle, and how you can better set yourself up to get your house in order.

Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
After attending Defensive Action Center's Small Unit Skills Challenge (SUSC) at the end of April as opfor, this is the final AAR with John-another member of the opfor. We go over some big take aways, the pro's, what we need to improve on, break down each objective and the subsequent AAR's as well as shoot the shit about our overall experience with this incredibly valuable experience. The next one is already on the books, if you want to test your gear and your team, check them out at defensiveactioncenter.com.

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Antibiotics. I don't think there is a more controversial topic in the medical preparedness space than this type of antimicrobial drug. In this episode I break down my experience giving antibiotics, contraindication, safety protocols to follow, my choices on what to stock up on and my take on fish antibiotics. Bring a pen and paper, and as always I hope you guys get something out of it.

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
What is a "Med Bag"? Whether it is a TSSI M9, the teased Spiritus Systems "Delta" med bag or a pink Dora the Explorer backpack you stole from your kid. Honestly, any bag you put med supplies in is a med bag. We cover what the purpose of a med bag is, its function, bag selection and a lot more.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
The Way of the Urgent Care-We focus on the urgent care model of treatment as a Guerrilla Medic. When SHTF, this is the model of treatment I believe you can reasonable provide your tribe. Note taking encouraged.

Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
A discussion of IFAK (Individual first aid kit) contents, a little breakdown and some theory behind them, packaging and carrying solutions.